Alignment Across Organizations

A workshop to help you build stronger collaboration for the greater good

Upon request - Custom as single or series. Available virtual or in-person


Two or more organizations coming together in service of a common goal requires a strong partnership and clear communication. Aligning can be a challenge. Each organization has a different way of working, different values, different core competencies, and sometimes even different timelines. Groups need a solid process to come to common ground, a shared vision and a defined agreement. Use this workshop as an initiative launch, re-alignment, or exploratory session in order to set the stage for collaboration and success.

  • Pre-competitive initiatives

  • Non-profit/corporate partnerships

  • Patient organization collaborations

  • Academic/industry initiatives

Shared value creation will involve new and heightened forms of collaboration. While some shared value opportunities are possible for a company to seize on its own, others will benefit from insights, skills, and resources that cut across profit/ nonprofit and private/public boundaries
— Michael Porter

Led by Jennifer Greenberg, MBA; member of the International Association of Facilitators